Bye Bye Suffolk

Today, Charlotte and I returned home after ten days away from our family. It was incredibly hard to be away from Gary and my children. Gary and I have only ever spent two nights apart from each other, and likewise, I have only been away from my children for one night when Gary and I went away to Paris for our fifteenth year anniversary. But there was a very worthwhile reason for Charlotte and I to head off for a while, and it was a wonderful ten days for us both.

After the last ten days of rest, relaxation and recuperation, Charlotte is healthier than I have seen her for the past four years, and we have learnt so much together about FND and how it manifests itself. We are both extremely hopeful for a future without FND. I will be writing more about it, perhaps on Friday, but for today, I am back home with my gorgeous family, and a significantly healthier daughter. Happy, happy sigh ❤️


  1. I am so glad you were able to spend this time with Charlotte. Praying that healing is coming for her in the days ahead. The countryside is just beautiful.

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